When On the Cross



Piano Rehearsal Sheet

St. Thomas Schola Cantorum, Good Friday, 2019

MP3 Sample



J. Ashley Hall


J. Ashley Hall


When on the cross Jesus hung with two malefactors,
One mocking Jesus said: “save thyself”.
He was rebuked by the other and Christ said:
“Today shalt thou be with me in paradise”.
Christ, our Redeemer, oh, how He loves us!
If we will follow Him, He’ll surely save us.

When on the cross Jesus saw His mother,
And the disciple whom He loved,
He saith “Woman, behold thy Son!”
Then to His disciple “Behold thy mother!”
Christ, our Redeemer, oh, how He loves us!
Compassion, tenderness for us, His children.

When on the cross under words meant to accuse Him:
“This is Jesus the King of the Jews”.
On Golgatha, bruised, pierced and bleeding, our Savior said:
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
Christ, our Redeemer, oh, how He loves us!
Let us be forgiving, for He forgives us.

When the earth darkened, with loud voice our Savior cried
“Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit”.
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani”, cried our Savior,
“It is finished.” Amen.
